Foot, Ankle and Knee
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, the participant will be able to:
Describe the anatomy, biomechanics and pathomechanics of common injuries
in dancers at the foot, ankle and knee.
Identify typical presentations of commonly seen injuries/conditions
including predisposing and precipitating factors, diagnostic presentation,
typical interventions and prevention.
Apply effective intervention strategies to typical injuries/conditions
at the foot, ankle and knee in dancers including exercise, motor control,
technique re-education, myofascial release, taping/padding and use of
For those licensed to do graded passive movement at the joints: Apply
effective intervention strategies to typical injuries/conditions at the
foot, ankle and knee in dancers including joint mobilization/ Grade V
Improve observational skills with a focus on the biomechanics of the
foot, ankle and knee and integrate this skill into intervention programs
for the performing dancer.
Saturday Schedule
8-8:30 am Registration
8:30-10:45 am Lab: Orientation to the Knee, Foot & Ankle: Surface Palpation
10:45-11:00 am Break
11:00 am -12:30 pm Lab: Biomechanical Assessment of Plie & Releve
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch
1:30-2:30 pm Lecture: Ligamentous Injury & Instability in the Dancer
2:30-3:30 pm Lab: Ligament Stress Testing: Knee, Foot & Ankle
3:30-3:45 pm Break
3:45-4:30 pm Lab: Ligament Stress Testing/Taping & Padding Techniques
4:30-5:30 pm Lecture: Ankle Impingement in the Dancer
Sunday Schedule
8:30-9:30 am Lecture: Osseous Stress Injury in the Dancer
9:30-10:30 am Lab: Motion and Joint Mobility Assessment & Treatment
10:30-10:45 am Break
10:45 am -1:45 pm Lunch
1:45-2:45 pm Lecture: Tendinopathy in the Dancer
2:45-3:30 pm Lab: Motion and Joint Mobility Assessment & Treatment
3:30-3:45 pm Break
3:45-5:15 pm Alignment, Strength & Motor Control of the Lower Extremity
5:15-5:30 pm Closing Comments/Q&A